Crystal Infusion ~ Rose Quartz



What can it do for you?

Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and romantic connection, bringing compassion, peace, tenderness and healing. It supports Heart Chakra balance, enabling the release of toxic emotions, and the healing of emotional wounds.

Rose Quartz opens and purifies the heart, bringing love for self, family, partner, community, the planet and Universe. Restoring harmony and trust in all relationships, with unconditional love, it brings a deep sense of contentment and fulfilment.

Where would we be without Rose Quartz in our lives? Recently I have noticed a number of clients identifying an increased level of high stress and anxiety in their lives. And often there are multiple reasons behind this.
A common issue is the non-connection to large family groups and communities.

Then there is the pressure to take on longer working hours, to cover the additional demands of employers, who are unable or unwilling to take on more staff to cover the ever-increasing workload.

Many people struggle with egoic demands of perfection, resulting from childhood traumas where a lack of acknowledgement or appreciation drove their need to be ‘good’ or ‘better’.

Then there is the often recognised but deceptively powerful expectations of the media.

Subsequently the capacity to sit in a space of compassion (for self and others) can often be the first thing that slips. And here is where Rose Quartz is perfect. A stone of unconditional love and heart healing, it enables the release of internalised pain, bringing self-acceptance and forgiveness. It is the perfect emotional healer, reducing tension, enabling peace and tranquility to resonate throughout your whole body.

Rose Quarts is used extensively within Elemental, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing and Reiki modalities.

Our Fusion Therapy clinic is located in Howick, East Auckland, only 20 minutes from Auckland CBD.

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